Saturday, February 25, 2017

I'm angry, sad, exhausted, frustrated. I counted the days and it doesn't feel so right. It's almost a month now but truthfully, it dated back longer than that. Eating unhealthy food for a long time will cause diseases. Probably incurableOr even if it is curable, it'll take time. I think, negative words are alike. We feed our heart, mind and soul with words from surrounding. Negative actions and words are like unhealthy food. Bad in, worse out.

For the past 9 months, on and off, sometimes on for quite some time, i've been surrounded myself with negativity. My eardrums have been chewing rants and screams. Resulting in those few words described earlier.

I'm really beyond tired inside. I've come to dislike long series of questions. Like, if i say that the we will leave at 9, i'm okay if u ask me ONCE "are we leaving or gathering at 9?" But if it is followed by small, less significant, common sense required kind of questions, i'll get annoyed in no time. "So do we wear certain kind of clothes? Are we going to need snacks? Do we stop anywhere along the way? What time do we wake up? Has the car been filled with petrol? Blablablablablablabla." Maybe i was like this before. God. I'm sorry everyone who i might've annoyed like this before. I will change insya Allah.

And these days i hate people rant. Releasing stress is when you say what's been bothering you, ONCE IN A WHILE. While ranting is when you keep saying why you're bothered, OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Do you how tiring it is to hear people's rant? Really,really tiring! Life is a series of events to be thankful for. Saying Alhamdulillah, recognize it in our heart that Allah is the one granting everything we are and we have and acting thankful for having to receive nikmat. God. I probably have been an avid rant-er before. During a certain period of time in my life. Forgive me Ya Allah. Please please please please protect me from being ungrateful and rant after this. Please please please make me thankful and act like one.

The regretter.