Thursday, May 22, 2014

i'm at a crossroad.
imagine a baby chick who's about to walk, having to stop for a little while because there are 3 different types of dedak in front of it.
i am that chicken.
well, depending on your perception about me, i might be a giant.

i know that if we never try, we'll never know.
and now, right now, right this second, i am even thinking whether or not to start to walk.
well sure when babies started to walk, they fall a lot of times, cry, and walk again. but babies are cute. they cry cute, sleep cute, laugh cute. while me, well.. i'm not a baby. if i fall, it's not cute. it even hurts. if i cry, it's gonna be messy and noisy. if i sleep, i'm somewhat the definition of lazy. if i laugh, well.. my officemate said it's evil laugh.

point is, i'm at a crossroad. standing. still.

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