Sunday, October 1, 2017

nengok movie tadi siang. cerita romentik gicheww. then ada scene couple tu pergi dating. jalan-jalan. then it hit me that i don't know how to do those things anymore. you know.. falling in love, getting all giddy and go on dates. or just going out with friends and talk. i don't do talking anymore these days. to strangers i mean. talking to friends, well i could go on for hours. but that's only applicable for my really, really close friends. kawan yang jarang jumpa, i think i'll freeze up. see that's the thing. i don't talk as much anymore. tambahan pula dah tak rutin bergayut-gayut. what have i become uhuhuhuhu.

anyway, i think i'm not interested to start new relationship or make new friends. too lazy to think of what to talk about. kalau naik public transport pun aku cucuk telinga dengar sesuatu dan malas nak tegur orang sekeliling. lagi pulak sekarang dah rutin naik public. huhuhu.

my life is going on a straight line. plain. boring. and i'm enjoying it. no new adventure needed. cukup la nak sesuaikan diri dengan environment keje baru. aku rasa tu la penyebabnya aku malas nak into new relationship of any sort. bitter old woman. hahaha. seriously. malas.