Monday, July 29, 2013

you know how me and my single friends always talk about how we wanna get married?
now i'm starting to want kids. i used to wonder why would a single woman wants to be a foster mom? i mean, just enjoy your life as it is. back then abang even argued with my mak about marriage where the verdict was that we need to get married married so we'd have someone to live for. i mean, we live for Allah but you know, we need that human who'd give us the reason to live. a husband and kids.

what i'm vaguely trying to say is that i, in some sort of other universe, am a little tiny weeny bit agreeing with mak. well, i for one had argued with mak about not getting married and just live with parents (which she strongly object with pointing out death and whatnot). perhaps living with little kids for a while triggered that motherly instinct. i don't mean that exact meaning of motherly instinct but err yeahhh.. it's sort of like those movies where anti-kids had to take care of little ones and starting to want that kind of life. like The Pacifier.

having kids, i really can't imagine it. what's with me not living my life properly, how can i even manage other humans? i hope mak must've gone through this thought before.

i guess i'm taking one step towards growing up. or maturity. or whatever.
i miss my annoying niece and nephew.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


harini 28 july, Ramadhan the 19th. masuk cuti je aku terus total loss dengan tarikh-tarikh ni.

so now i'm back at home after spending a week at abang's house. i see and learn a lot. marriage is more than a job. having kids means you are going to change. and last but not least, you are finally going to understand the things your parents have done. i mean, when you go through parenting, you're going to appreciate and love your parents more than ever.

aaaaannd the most important thing is, enjoy your single life!!! hahaha.. i mean, when you're single, enjoy being one. when you're married, enjoy being one too. there are perks in being in either sides.

i miss my niece and nephew. bau dari syurga yang sangat nyaman ^___^

i've got a lot to write here. but the things pop in my head days ago and i was busy playing with my niece and didn't bring my laptop along. now don't really feel like writing also what.

so till next time. selamat meningkatkan ibadah di bulan Ramadhan :)


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ramadhan, bulan cabaran, bulan rezeki.

apa-apa pun yang mendatang, aku berdoa semuanya akan menjadi jalan supaya aku lebih dekat dengan Allah.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

dalam berkelip-kelip mata, persekitaran aku berubah.
puasa dgn raya tahun ni dah tak sama lagi. keluarga dah berkembang-kembang. tinggal la aku sorang yang setia teman mak dengan abah sahur & berbuka. aku rindu suasana puasa bersama-sama semua ahli keluarga. tapi masing-masing dah berkeluarga. aku faham.
setahun lepas, kalau nak panggil balik berbuka kat rumah pun cuma kena panggil abang aku je. sekarang dah susah nak cukup korum. hoho.
raya pun dah takde la ke hulu hilir dengan kakak aku. sekarang dengan mak abah je. kira macam anak separa tunggal jugak la aku ni. hiks.

ni yang berat hati nak kahwin ni.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

semalam ber-on the phone dgn partner.
cerita cerita.
termasuk bab ekstrimis.
teringat jugak la aku dengan kem ibadah masa sekolah dulu. which is the thing called camp that i ever go hahaha.

sembang punya sembang, baru aku terpikir. ada unsur ekstrimis jugak kem ibadah aku pegi tu. paling aku ingat, toma'ninah dia memang bapak lama. dia punya lama sampaikan aku kira berapa saat dia punya 'berehat sebentar'. belum masuk lagi part aku cuba baca slow-slow, baca dua set (means 6 kali, 3 kali kat mulut, 3 kali kat hati).
ada la orang complain kat dia pasal lama sangat. aku lupa apa dia reply, tapi yg pasti, dia kata dia tak salah.

well. aku kan budak sekolah masa tu.

Monday, July 8, 2013

.permulaan yang kesepuluh juta.


maka terlahirlah blog ini.
selamat hari lahir sayang.