Wednesday, November 27, 2019

this reminds of the call from 3 years ago.

it was near to our departure date. i think if i may recall again, it was probably a week before d-day. it was a normal afternoon when my phone rang. the call that i've been waiting for the longest time. unexpected call at unexpected time. it took me by surprise since i failed a couple of times previously. given any other time, i'd be all excited and prepared the best version of myself. but... it wasn't like any other time. i was in between answering His ultimate call and chasing after my dream. a dream.. or so i thought.


Saturday, November 16, 2019

sambil-sambil dengar jepun ni.

fuh akhirnya tamat siri time machine. harap-harap takde relapse. hihu. bila last entah aku lupa. cewah lupa :P. i've enjoyed the memories that come resurface from the back of my mind. rasa macam tengah tengok ulang tayang je hahaha. but as it is. semuanya dah menjadi memori-memori manis yang aku simpan rapat-rapat dalam hati. each one with lessons i'd cherish..

terima kasih insan-insan yang pernah bertembung dengan saya. aren't u all lucky that u have met me? wakakaka kkkkk gurauuuuuuu. aku dah tuit-tuit apa-apa yang terlintas. biarlah terkambus dalam tuit personal aku je. kalau sampai masa nak resurface balik nanti pandai-pandai la dia timbul.

dah lama tak penat otak camni. seminggu dua ni fikir nak revise dengan buat esaimen. senanye aku penat otak hari ni. sambil tu aku sedih sebab teman belajarku ada problem. sedih ok. nak menyambung ni bila ada teman, baru la ada seronok sikit. satu lagi sedih sebab teman sorang lagi nak pindah. actually happy for her but also sad at the same time that we won't be able to see each other any other time like the past 2 years. well.. life just happens.. we grow and we move on.. all these memories will be playing like a film without sound..

nak tulis kat blog satu lagi. punya la macam-macam benda random terfikir hari ni. tapi bila bukak blog... tulah.. tulahhh tuuuuu

just some random thought today:

the girl i've been closely following has now become a mother!! so happy for her. dari dia mula berbunga-bunga dengan shuben (then bf) dia aku rasa mcm, isk, kita doakan la diorang ni bersama. entah lah. suka berharap diorang bersama. macam tengok sinetron lak aku kan. wahahaha!!

so the adik classmate i've mentioned before who is ever so young & carefree has now looked quite dark & gloomy. putus cinta punya pasal ke. fuh. penangan. so kids, don't fall in love. you'll get ruined forever. just stay single, happy & carefree for the rest of your life ok.

akhir-akhir ni banyak dapat sun time dengan natural ventilation. serius beza benar dengan situasi seharian terperap dalam ofis. rasa sihat. i wish boleh stay macam ni. haha. so now i know i'm not a winter person. setakat bercuti sekali sekala tempat sejuk2 sikit tu ok la. nak bermastautin is no nehi never everrrrrrr.

tengah bawak kete ondewei balik tadi terlintas, wah, dah hampir setahun fasa hujung tahun yang tak terjangka aku berlalu. setahun yang lepas, tak sangka aku akan rasa begitu teruji. huhuhuhu. apa-apa pun, syukur. that gruesome phase has made me into a better person.

and i'm going to love myself a lot more than i'd ever think of :)