Saturday, June 29, 2019

ada perkara-perkara yang tidak menyenangkan mahupun menenangkan jiwa
in my conscious mind i hate it
but unconsciously i did it

kalau kita rbc kan iman, mungkin saja ini fasa contraction yang bakal menjadi recession
recession depression
the same sion

terasa sukarnya hendak mengekalkan iman di tahap peak and steadily expnading
there are times when iman got skyrocketed high
there are also times when iman shot down low

keeping istiqamah
Allah Allah Allah
help me...

for this reason,
i am thankful for the bumpy ride i felt last year

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Alhamdulillah 4 months done!

whatever the outcome is, Alhamdulillah.
kalau sampai sini je, Alhamdulillah.
it was indeed an amazing phase, Alhamdulillah.

for the past year i've been saying that i made the stupidest decision last year. one after another. series of stupid decisions last year alone.

but recently i thought... it doesn't look that stupid anymore.
sure they were still stupid decisions. but today when i looked back, Allah has never actually left me alone. despite the surrounding i was in, i was still protected from getting worse of the worst. there are too much for me to elaborate. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah..

Saturday, June 8, 2019

ondewei balik keyelle semalam bapak dropped an important lesson.

but first i have to tell you this. bapak is no fan of professor and phd. haha. it's just the people with these things he has come across that made him thought such way. he always complained about them being all talk and become so self righteous.

so bapak cakap lebih kurang gini lah,

"bila kita belajar, kita tahu yang the more you know the more you don't know. bila kita banyak sangat tak tau, last-last satu apa pun kita tak buat. jadi lebih baik la kita tau sikit lepas tu kita buat je. tengok kenapa orang-orang yg berjaya bisnes ni belajar tak tinggi pun. tu sebab dia tau banyak tu je lepastu dia buat apa yang dia tau je la."

fuh. that, ladies & gentleman, is more deeper than any ted talks i've came across.

so, like that mat korea yang layan makanan sementara duk malaysia ni cakap, nasik lemak is better than hotel buffet. because why? when you have nasik lemak, you'll only enjoy nasik lemak. but when you're in hotel buffet, you have so much choice that you won't be able to enjoy the food because because you kept on thinking of other food too. so, nasik lemak is gooooooooooooood.

and that, again ladies & gentleman, how simple life is.
lepas beberapa tahun raya sendu petang raya terbongkang malam raya kat ikea, Alhamdulillah this year dapat la merasa konvoi. saya anggapkan ini rezeki dari Tuhan :)

i need magic tonite. 2 assignments waiting and haven't started my revision. mengg. recipe to fail T_T

aku macam menyesal jugak amik balik subjek dengan lekcerer ni hahahahaha i guess i'm hard headed like that... only learn lessons when lessons are the only thing left...

these days aku dah malas nak follow a few medsos account yang aku suka follow sebelum ni. entahlah. probably the bitterness or i'm just lazy like that. i mean, i used to like some of them but now hmm, naahhh. don't mind unfollowing. just want to sleep. haha

baru sedar yang esemen2 aku nak more tahn half are written while i'm half asleep. menggggg...